The Red Beanie Campaign

Red Beanie Bond impacts 10,000+ families

Heart disease is the #1 killer in the world and in being so affects a great number of families by taking away dad much too soon. Starting in 2012, we have provided over 20,000 bright red new born beanies to hospital delivery rooms to be put on newborn babies (gets your free one here). The bright red beanies get the attention of parents at a major point in their lives, making the statement that very few simple changes in their lives can significantly increase their chances of being around to see their babies grow up.

Make the pledge

Send a free red beanie


2 beanies. 1 lifelong promise

We took this campaign a step further in 2017 by providing not only the new born with a bright red beanie but also a matching one for dad. Once the newborn is brought back with the fodada red beanie, the delivery nursing team will also hand one to the father. A gesture of their immediate bond for life and reminder of the importance of simple actions that can be taken to help provide more time with each other.


Heart disease awareness

Fodada continues to fight Heart Disease and bring awareness to this incredibly important topic that affects so many families and dads. With the help of budding filmmaker Shayan Ebrahim and incredible story of fellow dad Dan Floriani, we produced a video in support of this campaign.

**So that's why we believe we may have made the most powerful beanie on the planet.**


For all dads

This year, we want to open up the campaign for anyone that wants dad to be healthy, long into the future. If you or someone you know has recently had a baby and wants to promote heart awareness, let us know here, and we will send a red beanie to baby and dad completely free of charge.

Partnering with hospitals

To push the campaign even further, we want to encourage hospitals that want to promote the red beanie bond to reach out to us. Who better to bring awareness to heart disease than those that see its consequences every day? Dad will never forget the day he holds his baby for the first time. With the red beanie campaign, dads will always remember that their health is important for baby’s health, too.

Life’s simple 7 steps for increasing your chances of a healthy heart


Get Active

If you get at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity each day (like brisk walking), five times per week, you can almost guarantee yourself a healthier and more satisfying life while lowering your risks for heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Parents, your children need 60 minutes a day–every day–so when you get active, you’re also modeling healthy living for the next generation.


Lose Weight

When you shed extra fat and unnecessary pounds, you reduce the burden on your heart, lungs, blood vessels and skeleton. You give yourself the gift of active living, you lower your blood pressure and you help yourself feel better, too.

Control Cholesterol

When you control your cholesterol, you are giving your arteries their best chance to remain clear of blockages.


Reduce Blood Sugar

Lowered blood sugar helps protect your vital organs. When you reduce excessive sugars, you are giving yourself the best chance for a healthy life.

Eat Better

A healthy diet is one of your best weapons for fighting cardiovascular disease. When you eat a heart-healthy diet (foods low in saturated and trans fat, cholesterol, sodium and added sugars, and foods high in whole grain fiber, lean protein, and a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables) you improve your chances for feeling good and staying healthy– for life.


Stop Smoking

If you smoke, quitting is the best thing you can do for your health. Smoking is one of our nation’s top causes of early death, but your lungs can begin to heal as soon as you quit .

Manage Blood Pressure

When your blood pressure stays within healthy ranges, you reduce the strain on your heart, arteries and kidneys, which keeps you healthier longer.


make a simple pledge today for a lifetime of tomorrows together

Start now:

  1. Wear the matching red beanie with your newborn.

  2. Post a picture tagged with #redbeaniebond

  3. Promise to follow the simple tips on the right

Kickstart My Heart

Kickstart My Heart

Launched in time for heart health month…and Valentines day. Gift it to someone who’s heart and love is the reminder you need. $5 from the sale of each shirt will be donated to the American Heart Association and their fight against heart disease.


Mental Fitness