short stories with dad
One of our favorite activities for kids of all ages - write a short story together. Now it can be very short or not so short. It can rhyme or make no sense. It can be illustrated or on the back of an envelope. Does not matter as long as you do it together.
The point here, as with most of our programs, is to spend time, talk, learn about each other and just have fun.
If your kid can scribble, then you are ready to rock and roll.
Some basics to consider:
There is no wrong idea, plot, plot twist or anything. Creative freedom and oddity is key.
If the littles have a tough time writing, then have then do the illustration as well help with story
Questions to answer: what is the story about? ( i.e. flying burrito fishies ), who are the main characters (get detailed), where do they live, what happens in the story, how does it end?
Once you’re done, take pics of each page and consider one of the online photo app to make a small photobook, prominently displaying the co-authors names.
Happy writing.